About Us
Medicare Plans of America provides access to reliable quotes on Medicare supplement insurance and Medicare advantage insurance from various Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies. We are here to help you decipher the confusion and be happy while saving money on your health care in the end.
The Medicare Supplemental rates are easy to find! Senior Citizens in America are able to compare the top Medicare plans in their state simply, just by entering their zip code on the quote-form above. This will give you an idea for the Medicare Supplement quote for the plan of your choice.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies provide the supplemental insurance plans for those who already have the Medicare Part A and Part B policies. We are a Medicare Supplement Insurance Company and are happy to help you save money. We help you save money by helping you determine and select the best Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan for your needs. There are ten plans to choose from and the differences can become confusing.
If you want to use your current medical professional, please visit our Medicare advantage quotes page for a more complete list of Medicare advantage providers. If your doctor or other healthcare provider is not currently on the list, please speak to them about becoming a Medicare preferred provider.
Medicare Supplement Insurance Companies do for you what the U.S. Government does not. The Medicare Supplemental Insurance Companies issue polices, not the U.S. Government. This is sometimes confusing since it is the U.S. Government that runs the program. We are here to help ease the confusion and save you money.
Please regularly visit Medicare Plans of America here online for news and updates on Medicare related subjects. You have worked hard and long to qualify for the Medicare program. We are here to help keep all of us informed about Medicare benefits and to help keep Medicare around for future generations.
Your Medicare Supplement quote is confidential and your privacy is important to us. We will only share information as required by law or with your permission. Please call us to determine which Medicare Supplement rates are in your best interest.
If you would like to keep current on what we know about the different Medicare Supplemental Rates and our Medicare Supplemental Insurance Company, please visit us at our social media pages:
Facebook: Medicare Plans of America
Twitter: Medicare on Twitter
Medicare Plans of America is a division of Quote Guy Marketing Inc. For more information please visit our contact us page.
For your Medicare Supplement quote, please give us a call today. You may also use the “get quote” form at the top of this page. If you have questions, we are here to answer them.
Please remember that your Medicare Supplemental rates are in addition to your current or projected Medicare Part A and Part B policy premiums already in place. For more information, give us a call. We look forward to working with you and your family.